Opinion: Chemicals Are the Pervasive Foundation of Life, Not Something to Instinctively Fear


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Jul 24, 2023

Opinion: Chemicals Are the Pervasive Foundation of Life, Not Something to Instinctively Fear

In our vast, interconnected world, the mere mention of the word “chemicals” can often prompt reactions ranging from unease to outright dread. Blaring headlines and eye-catching news segments tend to

In our vast, interconnected world, the mere mention of the word “chemicals” can often prompt reactions ranging from unease to outright dread.

Blaring headlines and eye-catching news segments tend to focus on harmful substances, contamination incidents, or perceived threats. This media-fueled apprehension, combined with political debates around environmental issues, has inadvertently painted chemicals as villains lurking in the shadows, ready to harm at the slightest provocation.

If we pause and reflect, it becomes evident that the very essence of our existence is interlaced with an intricate dance of chemicals. From the oxygen we breathe to the water that quenches our thirst; from the nutrients that fuel our cells to the hormones that govern our emotions — each is a chemical or a combination of chemicals, working in harmony to sustain life.

The vast universe of these compounds is not limited to our biology. The colors of a sunset, the fragrance of a rose, even the texture of our favorite fabric — all are manifestations of chemical interactions.

Our blood courses with hemoglobin, a molecule that might seem alien to some but is indispensable for life. It plays the vital role of transporting oxygen, a necessary element for cellular energy. Then there’s insulin, a hormone, or a “chemical messenger,” that maintains our blood sugar levels, ensuring we remain energetic and healthy.

Furthermore, our bodies are repositories of lipids and electrolytes. These aren’t just fancy words from a biology textbook; they’re the chemical compounds that shield our organs, store energy, relay nerve impulses, and much more.

Yet, despite their indispensable roles, chemicals often become the targets of skepticism and fear, primarily because they can sound complex or unfamiliar.

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Many of us might not frequently use terms like “glutamate” or “serotonin,” but these chemicals are essential for our mental and physical well-being. Understanding them isn’t just about science — it’s about appreciating the delicate dance of molecules that allows us to think, feel, move, and thrive.

To regard chemicals with blanket suspicion is to overlook the marvels they bring to our daily lives. Consider the medicines that heal, the clean energy solutions that power our homes, or the myriad of household products designed for our convenience. Each is a testament to the ingenious ways we have harnessed the potential of chemicals for the betterment of humanity.

Unfortunately, our society isn’t immune to misinformation, especially with the internet and peer-to-peer communications. Some special interest groups commonly promote “chemo-phobia.” They are masters of painting a bleak picture devoid of context or nuance. They challenge the industries that have been foundational to our progress and well-being, including the energy, construction, consumer products, modern agriculture and health sectors.

Rational skepticism and peer-reviewed science should guide our decisions, not unfounded fears, and hyperbole. Embracing chemicals doesn’t mean ignoring their potential risks; it means incorporating and understanding their benefits, applications, and essential role in our lives.

To refute chemicals would be to refute life itself. Our bodies, our health, our food, our environment — all are intricately tied to and supported by chemicals.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it is important that people take the time to resist an automatic acceptance of fear and instead deepen their understanding, dispel myths and cherish the countless ways chemicals enrich and sustain our lives.

Michael Vallante is a consultant to small businesses and nonprofits around the country. From 2017 to 2020, Vallante was the U.S. Small Business Administration‘s Associate Administrator for the Office of Field Operations, overseeing the 68 district offices around the country.

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